Ten ways to get through Monday Blues

  1. Sleep till your mind is satisfied
  2. Do more talking than working
  3. Delete all unwanted things from history
  4. Share a meme around
  5. Listen to refreshing stuff
  6. Delegate and schedule the work
  7. Take coffee breaks seriously
  8. Add some fresh flowers
  9. Leave workplace early
  10. Create a laugh of the day

We always find Monday’s are boring Don’t we? We will have a really awesome weekend and Monday feels like a monster in heaven. If you have to get back to work on Monday and you are struggling to focus on work with the hangover of the weekend I got your back. Let me ten good ways to deal with monster Monday and make it melodious Monday.


1.  Sleep till your mind is satisfied

As you might have heard on average one needs 8 hours of sleep every day. Sunday night parties/adventures or your plans for evenings will probably disturb your sleep and when you wake up you may feel a huge load on your brain. This eventually might ruin the day. All you need is good sleep for a good morning. Sleep as early as possible on Sunday. Take an extra afternoon nap on Sunday and balance out the need for sleep. Personally, I prefer staying home on Sunday’s and fill the day with these things I love to do with family and my friends. I sleep as much as possible to complete my thirst for sleep. I have a personal record of sleep more than 14hours. Trust me, it will totally be worth it.

2. Do more talking than working

As you begin the there might be a lot of emails, lot of meetings lined up. There might be surprise client expectations over the weekends (I know how it feels!). Keep everything aside, Take a moment for yourself and recall everything you did on Friday, then list the priorities for the entire week/day. Then update these priorities based on emails and meetings. Schedule meetings with all the stakeholders involved if needed. Catch up with managers and clients to get clarifications and explain what you want to do (and also why you want to do it if that makes sense in your context). With this, the hustle hours reduce by a significant factor and you will have control over the entire week.

3. Delete all unwanted things from history

This is very important. Be it unwanted emails or your task history and files. Clean up things and start fresh. This combined with “Do more talking than working” will set you for a fresh working environment. You will be left with a pile of wanted things so that you can concentrate on fewer and important things.

4. Share a meme around

Take this suggestion seriously. We all have social media accounts and we definitely come across great content within a span of a week. Share that one meme that caught your laughter and gave you a slightly sweet stomachache. With this, you can strengthen your bond with your teammates. But make sure not to share offensive memes, that you can keep private for yourself.

5. Listen to refreshing stuff

Listen to something good music in the morning or some good listenable podcast that refreshes your mood. You can also go with videos but make sure you do not start binge-watching. This will uplift your happy vibes and make you feel better. Also, share songs and videos with your colleagues and friends and light up their mood too, after all, sharing is caring.

6. Delegate and schedule the work

This might seem like a hack to escape from work but this is an efficient tool when used in the right way. With the sorted list of tasks and emails. Start prioritizing things and make a list of to-dos. Schedule them across the week and if they need to be deligated do so. This will make you organized and reflect your discipline and dedication to work.

7. Take coffee breaks seriously

YES! take them seriously. Coffee breaks are not only meant to sip coffee they are meant for networking. Try to talk to a new colleague or catch up with other friends at work. They will definitely give you new perspectives and bring some new knowledge. If you are working from home, go for a walk; take out your pet with you, talk to neighbours and family. The only thing to keep in mind is that these breaks should not be too long, 15 to 20 minutes of break is a healthy one.

8. Add some fresh flowers

If you are a flowers lover change the flowers on your work desk. They always bring freshness and positivity. If you don’t like flowers change your desktop wallpaper to something refreshing and new. Maybe your favourite destination and a potential theme-based wallpaper that reminds your passion and motivates you to work. If you can clean the workstation setup that will be the best exercise of bringing in instant freshness.

9. Leave workplace early

Monday is not the day for a long day. If you are following all other suggestions you can definitely leave the workplace as early as possible unless there is a firefighting scenario in your team. In that kind of situation do stay back and contribute as much as you can. But if you finish all your work for the day then leave the workplace, go to the gym or binge your favourite show or do something adventurous.

10. Create a laugh of the day

This is important to make your day fulfilling. As there is a famous saying “A day without laughter is a day wasted”. Create that laughter moment of the day and share it with your friends and family. At the end of the day, you can happily sleep with this happy moment and have a good night sleep.


So, what are you waiting for? go ahead and make your day. Cheers!

PS: This is a piece of writing purely meant for entertainment and to lighten up the Monday mood.

Author: Sujaykumar Kulkarni

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